Monday, July 16, 2012

Fighting is Magic

Fighting is Magic is a Fighting game staring 17 playable characters from the My little pony universe. As weird as the concept of a fan made, Mortal Kombat style fighting game is for a TV show My little pony, programmers from Mane6 ( have been working diligently to make this into a reality. Taken from their FAQ on why they are creating the game:

           "In Twilight Sparkle’s words [Purple Pony, Pictured (And probably just reappeared)]:
Dear Princess Celestia,
Today, I learned a valuable lesson.
Sometimes, your friends might be too stubborn to see the truth, but you can always beat some sense and friendship into them. Hard.
Your faithful student,
Twilight Sparkle.
P.s. By the way, How is your eye healing up? I hope I didn’t go too hard on you!"
They go on to explain that they had the idea for a cool game and thought that with a little work, they could create a fun game playable by all ages. True to the show, the game features non-lethal K.O.'s and cartoon violence. They started with an Outdated (2002) 2D fighting game engine and repurposed and re-programmed from the ground up for play movements and style. The Game is still a work in progress and no playable demo has been released, but once a week they do a livestream of the current progress to show it off. At a recent event, players were given a chance to demo the current build(game),
. This game will be released (eventually), and is not backed by Hasbro or the Hub, however according to their Legal team, Hasbro is allowing them to continue work and will not be calling copyright infringement. Unlike several companies such as EA and the NFL which will fight tooth and nail for intellectual property, Hasbro has allowed this and several other soon to be released large third party games. This shows a level of intellectual property sharing not seen before in this industry, and with the eventual completion will mark an exciting trend for the future. This game will not be sold for cash, and is currently not accepting donations.  

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